
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road

Bonavista, Newfoundland




Christopher Greaves

Why Electrical is the Best Energy Source

The article “ All-electric homes are better for your hip pocket and the planet ” is correct, but not for the reasons they give.

The real reason for why we should “all go electric” is this: Electrical Current is a Common Currency.

Suppose that you have gone all-electric in your home of factory. As long as an electrical current comes along the wires, your home and factory can operate properly. You can turn things on lathes, cook meals, bath babies and anything else that consumes energy.

Although you might care about whether a nuclear plant generates the electrical current or whether solar panels generate the electrical current, your main need is satisfied – the lathes turn and the baby gets bathed.

The company that provides you with electrical energy needs to care about the original source of the energy, especially they need to consider the political climate, the cost at the source of energy, the stability of the source, and many other factors, but as long as they provide energy to their customers, their customers will be happy.

Suppose now that you use wood alone as a source of energy.

Suppose now that you use oil alone as a source of energy.

Suppose now that you use gas alone as a source of energy.

In each of those cases you are dependent on a truck driver or an oil-well operator, and if that one person fails to deliver, you are stranded.

But if your electrical supplier runs out of energy, in theory they can buy electrical energy from somewhere else and have it fed into their network of wires.(1)

It is true that these emergency rations may cost a little more, but you don’t need to make space for a wood stove or for an oil-furnace. All of your energy-consuming devices continue to operate as before.

Electrical Energy is like coin of the realm – your national currency – it can be used anywhere as a means of translating human endeavor into human satisfaction.

(1) This is not true of Western Australia which is too remote to be linked to a national network

709-218-7927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Tuesday, October 10, 2023 10:05 AM

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