
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road

Bonavista, Newfoundland




Christopher Greaves

The Technological Solution to Climate Change

Does not exist.

Simple logic tells us that a technological solution to global warming CANNOT exist. History in our lifetime shows us that first we had Global Warming, then winter came and we faced Global Cooling. Then the whole thing was simplified to the politically catchy phrase Climate Change.

Unless you live in a remote town on a wind-swept peninsula off a rocky island off the coast of Canada, you have bean reading in the news for the past ten years, solutions to Climate Change that are, in essence, the industrial capture of Carbon atoms as part of molecules that are captured, concentrated, compressed, and then dropped into the ocean where they will be subsumed into the Earth’s Crust. There are variations on this theme, but they always involve industrial plants which must be designed, developed, and delivered, and fed with millions or billions of dollars by a government that wants to be seen to be actively DOING SOMETHING about Climate Change.

It won’t work.

Imagine that I came up with such a solution that cost only ten dollars per nation, could be implemented in a week (world-wide!), and could produce measurable results demonstrating that global temperatures had begun the lower after only a month in operation.

Could happen.

I’m bright.

You just know that within 24 hours of the initial article describing my proposed solution, every man and his dog would rush out to buy a bigger spare SUV, leave the heat on 24 hours a day so that the open-door fresh-air policy wouldn’t force you to wear a sweater, and embark on a plan to visit the grandchildren in the Solomon Islands each week, instead of every two years.

I’m not joking. For the past seventy years nations, states, cities have built super-highways to solve the Traffic Problem. How was YOUR drive to work this morning?

So if we stop wasting air-time on technological solutions to Climate Change, what avenues are left to us? The obvious one is Human Effort. This means that every (not each) individual must take some action to reduce carbon emissions.

(a) Reduce consumption

(b) Reuse and Repair

(c) Walk, or bicycle more often

(d) Postpone every purchase for at least twenty-four hours.

I am tempted to try and get away with:-

(e) Grow vegetables if you have a plot of land; If you don’t have a plot of land, grow herbs. If you have a huge (larger than one acre) plot of land, plant fruit trees from a reputable supplier.

It’s up to you!

Monday, November 27, 2023

How AI could power the climate breakthrough the world needs I will go further and claim that ANY “Technological Solution to Climate Change” is a waste of effort if it erects a barrier (a firewall if you will) between individuals and the so-called solution.

In the link above you will find “an artificial intelligence platform to evaluate how vulnerable crops are to warming temperatures over the next two decades”. Now tomato growers are people too (grin), but the AI solution seems to be a means to live with higher temperatures, rather than anything that might directly cause your neighbour (it’s never YOUR fault) to dispose of one of their three SUVs..

The proposed AI solution is aimed at letting tomato growers regain their rightful share of the tomato market. That is, provide more tomatoes that can be diesel-trucked (in this case) across India.

A better solution? Let me assume that climate change is a global phenomenon, which may have local expressions, but that tomatoes are relevant to my case. The distance from Bakersfield California to Bonavista Newfoundland is about 7,000 Km.

Rather than work out a way to transport more tomatoes 7,000 Km, would be research to find a substitute for tomatoes (in terms of essential nutrition’s) that can be raised closer to Bonavista.

Here’s an example: In both supermarkets here I can buy spinach, arugla, Swiss chard, kale and so on year-round. What if I chose to eat dandelion leaves from my own backyard for the six months of the year that they are available?

That would be six months less of one person’s consumption of leafy greens across the continent.

“Big deal!” you say derisively; but remember your school days, when your teachers asked “What if everyone did that?”.

Well, what if residents of Bonavista ate their own dandelion leaves six months of the year? That would not reduce the truckloads of leafy greens rolling up highway #230. But what id the entire Bonavista peninsula cut back, so to speak, on imparted leafy greens? Well that might amount to one 53’ trailer.

OK What if we formed an apple-harvesting corps to attack the (possibly 1,000) fruiting apple trees here? We might save bags of fruits arriving from Washington State, or locally from the corss-channel Atlantic provinces. For the entire peninsula, another 53’ trailer bites the dust!

709-218-7927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Thursday, December 14, 2023 5:41 AM

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