
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road

Bonavista, Newfoundland




Christopher Greaves

No more LISTS!

We all make lists, especially lists of things to do, affectionately (or not) known as "To-Do lists".

Such lists are usually about six to twelve numbered items long, and we re-arrange items moving the most important item to the top of the list, the second most important item next, and so on.

Then we go to work on the most important item on the list, and when that task is complete, we set to work on what was the second most important item, which is now the most important item.

Are you with me so far?

Do you enjoy the process?

Of course you don't!

Making this list takes time, and you know that in sitting down to make the list your are feeding your bad habit of procrastinating. Setting the items in order feeds your bad habit, as does printing it out, finding a drawing-pin, finding a place to pin the list where it wont blow away, and so on.

And how do you feel at the end of the day when you have completed only two of the twelve tasks/ You don't feel good about completing two; you prepare for bed by feeling bad about the ten tasks that were not even started, and you try to drift off to sleep while worrying about those ten items. Are they in the correct sequence? Is there something more important that now comes to mind?

The solution to this problem is simple: Stop making lists of Things To Do.

Right now, get a scrap of paper and write on it the thing that, right now, you think is the most important Thing To Do. It matters not whether it is the most important think of fifty things that you could write down if you decided to write down everything that you could think of. It might help if you think of what was nagging at you as you tried to drift off to sleep at night.

Write down what you think, at this time, is the most important thing to do, and then do it.

Do that thing until it is completely done.

At that time you can screw up the scrap of paper and throw it onto the compost heap; that task is DONE and you feel good about completing it.

Take a five-minute break and then, if you feel like it, grab a second scrap of paper, write a task, do the task, and Do that thing until it is completely done. Then screw up the second scrap of paper and throw it onto the compost heap; that task is DONE and you feel good about completing it.

Carry on until you feel like stopping.

Then stop, and feel good about today's progress.

Tomorrow is another day.

This works for me.

709-218-7927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Tuesday, October 10, 2023 10:07 AM

Copyright © 1990-2023 Chris Greaves. All Rights Reserved.