
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road

Bonavista, Newfoundland




Christopher Greaves


A friend did me a great favour and brought her fresh mind to bear on what some would call “The Landfill Garden House”. Started in the porch, worked through the kitchen, and made a short stop in the bathroom to whip it into shape before moving on to the Guest Room and the Laundry …

In the bathroom a small bowl was introduced to hold all the bits and pieces that had been wandering around the hand-basin. Including my razor.

I live a simple life and have been using disposable (plastic) razors since 1978. For me they last a month, as long as the blade dries out quickly; for that reason I leave the razor blade-up in the open. But now my razor was blade-down in a cute porcelain bowl.

Of course; it’s a disposable razor. Who retains and uses a disposable razor for a calendar month?


This made me think.

When something is labelled “disposable” we sense that we should dispose of it. After use.

Hospitals and related places should throw away the razor after its first use. That makes sense. Also disposable wipes. But when we are at home, why not use the razor or wipe several times? (Yes, I know; if someone has vomited, don’t just rinse it out and hang it out to dry. It is a candidate for the landfill site).

This too made me think.

Every material thing we own or possess is disposable, by definition. It can be disposed. If you have The Crown Jewels you could toss them in a garbage bag and have the garbage truck cart them away.

Every material object is disposable.

We are disposable, and at end of life we arrange to have someone dispose of our bodies. Stardust we are and as stardust we depart.

709-218-7927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Tuesday, April 23, 2024 7:01 AM

Copyright © 1990-2024 Chris Greaves. All Rights Reserved.