
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road




Christopher Greaves


1) Indxr

Builds a customized index at foot of document

Reduces 3 hours work to 20 seconds.

2) Trail

Builds a One-click navigation trail through a strange document

Faster access to more information

3) Zoomp (XL)

Optimizes the Zoom factor while minimizing the number of sheets of paper.

No more orphaned columns and rows; best use of paper while maintaining readability.

4) Color (PPT)

One-click customized colors for characters, words, sentences, paragraphs, shapes, slides.

Instant pizzazz to documents and presentations.

5) Compa (XL)

Compare two workbooks, sheet by sheet, cell by cell, contents, formatting

Instant report on discrepancies between “before” and “after” versions of workbooks.

6) Tables

Over 200 macros that organize your tables with a single click.

Consistent formatting of all tables in a selection/document with a single click.

7) MRUse

A Sensible most-recently-used file list exceeding Microsoft's 9-file limit; sort any way; invoke XLS, JPG etc from within one list in Word.

Faster access to all documents from a single drop-down list.

8) Infor

Definitions, Content and Readability Statistics for any document.

Improved content of documents by quantitative feedback

9) Preci

Rules-based (user customizes) précis generator. What Microsoft SHOULD have written instead of Tools, Summarize.

Customized précis based on quantified Interesting Words and specified units of the text (paragraphs, sentences, 1st sentences of paragraphs, styled text etc.)

10) DoCle

Rules-based document cleansing and formatting

Consistent coercion to corporate formatting standards for exiting and new documents.

11) BestFit

Best-fit of toolbars on your screen, movies on your DVDs, many uses.

Optimize the space used anywhere. But especially maximize your use of the screen; let your eyes do their best work.

12) Calen

Multi-lingual variable week length calendar wizard

Encourage better scheduling through a better base document.

13) Hyper

Build a hyper linked tree of documents from a folder of documents

Instant control over a project’s documentation. (marry this to WbWrd)

14) BillT

Track your time to the minute; generate reports.

15) Codet

Corral near-identical phrases and generate documents using these stock phrases

16) WVain (XL)

Obtain corporate intelligence from publicly web-posted financial statements

17) Able

Auto-format and layout a backlog of 100 plain-text documents

18) DoCnv

Convert Word Perfect documents to Microsoft Word at 18,000 per hour.

19) GnDoc

Generate and maintain documents from a hand-written 1-page form.

20) QuantW

Report and fix characteristics in a set of documents.

21) Think

Develop Heading-n paragraphs from thin air, at the correct level and in the correct place.

22) BackAll

Backup multiple computers to shared multiple external drives across a LAN.

23) Prospector

Obtain customized prospects to suit your business; direct phone line to Presidents and CEOs

24) Proje

Indent, Trim, and build a searchable library of all VBA code on your hard drive.

25) SetUp

Wizard installer for Word application templates. Open Source.

26) WbWrd

Compile and FTP updated word documents to a web site.

7092187927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Friday, November 27, 2020 6:42 PM

Copyright © 1996-2020 Chris Greaves. All Rights Reserved.