Onions and Incense,

Laughter and Song,

How I was brought up

This is all wrong.

John is a weirdo,

Myles is a freak,

Chris plays jazz organ

Sunday each week.

Bishop's a lady,

Preacher's a Deacon,

Paper's for reading

While he's a speakin'

Sue forgets the offertory,

Norm forgets the books,

I forget the reading

But not the filthy looks

Stand - you should be kneeling,

Kneel when you should stand,

Nothing in the service

Goes as we had planned.

Young men and old men,

Women and kids,

White-collar purists,

Addicts and skids.

Where are the questions?

What are the answers?

Can they be found here

'mongst all the dancers?

Follow me gaily,

Follow me dying

Follow me daily,

Follow me crying,

Follow me, stumble,

Follow to search,

Follow me humbly,

But follow my church.